Online Training Courses

Azure Introduction to Cloud Services

Azure Introduction to Cloud Services

This course will introduce students to the Cloud, types of Cloud services, Azure services, and Azure PowerShell.

Cloud Computing for Beginners with Microsoft Azure

Cloud Computing for Beginners with Microsoft Azure

Learn the basics of cloud computing and start using Azure services; from virtual machines, to databases and web apps.

Browse by Subject

AngularJS logo


AngularJS is a structural framework for dynamic web apps. It lets you use HTML as your template language and lets you extend HTML's syntax.

Project Management logo

Project Management

Project management is the discipline of initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing the work of a team to achieve specific goals.

ASP.NET logo


ASP.NET is an open source server-side Web application framework designed for Web development to produce dynamic Web pages.

SQL Server logo

SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft.

Azure logo


Microsoft Azure is a growing collection of integrated cloud services—analytics, computing, database, mobile, networking, storage, and web.

WebAPI logo


ASP.NET Web API is a framework that makes it easy to build HTTP services that reach a broad range of clients, including browsers and mobile devices.